✝The LGBT Community And The Church✝


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(This is an slightly edited version of something I wrote years ago that's still relevant)

Over the past 3+ years, I've been hearing more and more stuff about lgbt people against Christians who believe same sex marriage and transgenderism is wrong. They called us gay haters, homophobic, bigots, and a slew of other hateful names. But that's not what we are. I know there are some who call themselves Christians that either accept lgbt as ok, or those who truly do hate these people. But neither approach is right. They're not being godly by doing this. (for those who profess to be Christian and think transgengerism/same sex marriage is ok, I urge you to read Romans 1:18-32 and pay special attention to verses 26 and 27.)

The fact of the matter is, transgenderism and same sex marriage is wrong. The Bible states this clearly as a sin (see the reference above). And as such, we simply cannot support such practices. We just can't. It's not that we hate people who do this. I certainly don't. But I feel sorry for them. I know that abuse, peer pressure, and many other things can come into play when people decide they no longer want to be the gender they're born to be, or that they don't want to marry/date a person of the opposite sex. I know that must hurt a lot. But doing that won't fix the hurt. only God's love can fix it.

Of course, transgenderism and same sex marriage isn't the only sin that exists in the world. There are many others, and God equally hates all sin. No matter if it's transgenderism, murder, or lies. All sin is the same in His eyes. And because we all sin, we're all in danger of falling into hell when we die. Some people might not think hell is so bad. But it's a place far worse than anyone can humanly imagine. Think of the most painful way possible to die. Then stretch that pain out to where it lasts for infinity. It's even worse than that. And because our first ancestors disobeyed God and took the fruit of knowledge of good and evil at the temptation of the devil, we're all doomed to suffer that.

But there's a hope for us. God sent Jesus to earth, as both God and man, to die in the most gruesome way possible. and be resurrected on the third day. He died in our place. For each and every one of us. That's how much He loves us. And in doing this, He provided a way for us to join Him in heaven: the exact opposite of hell. He covers your sin in His own blood. And that blood washes you white as snow, so you can be accepted through the gates of heaven. That is the one and only way we will be saved. No other religion will save you. No other religion is the same. In order to take advantage of that blessing, we have to confess our sins to Him, ask for forgiveness, and ask for help in loving Him and doing His will.

Of course that isn't easy. Many Christians may think that's easy, but it really isn't. Jesus Himself expressed that the gate is narrow. (Matthiew 7:13-14) You'll have to risk many things. Your friends and family may hate you for your faith. Satan and his demons will try every way possible to beat you down and break you. Holding onto God during troubled times seems impossible. And sometimes you might let go and slide backwards. But God won't let go. No matter how many times you sin again, God will welcome you back if you repent. Even if it happens 1,000 times, He'll still take you back that 1,000th time. Sounds like an impossible love, but God can do the impossible. You may even have to die for your faith. It's hard to believe that won't happen here, but all around the world, Christians really are dying for their faith. America is one of the few exceptions to that so far, but we will be persecuted even to death here too. It might not be immediately, but it's coming someday. But even with all these hardships, the reward is more than worth it. With God's love, you don't have to fear dying.

That's not to say Christians can't be friends with lgbt people or other sinners. Far from it! We're supposed to show kindness and love to these people, just like God shows love to us. It's not the people we don't like. It's the sin. And we're not trying to be pushy or disruptive when we tell others about our faith. We're spreading the wonderful Gift Jesus has provided for us, and we want to save as many people from the depths of hell as we can. And the church that says lgbt things are ok is making this hard. They're not being biblical when they say this. And more people need to call them out for it. Same for those who truly do hate on/judge those who aren't Christians. There are few who are truly believers. It's a sad fact, but it's true. But by making this post, I hope to make some people think, and move toward joining God's family. God bless you all!